Our Learning Center reflects the QHS Learning Academy’s values of peace, self- respect and academic success. Our Learning Center is a resource for home-schooled students. We are designed to assist students with learning, interactive activities, and more. QHS Learning Academy is a private home- school for families in need of services. We offer after school tutoring for any child in need of Test Prep, Homework Help as well as ACT Prep.

Our Mission & Vision Statement
QHS Learning Academy recognizes that all children are creative individuals who need to succeed. We offer a unique educational environment that emphasizes the social, emotional and intellectual development of each child. The QHS staff strives to maximize academic potential while promoting individual, personal success. We offer individualized independent learning to students.

Our Founder & Administrator
Mrs. Gena Thomas Ross
QHS Namesake- "Quentin's Home School"
“QHS” was created in honor of her brother, Quentin Dion Thomas. Quentin passed away in March 2018. Through conversations over the years, Quentin always hoped that Mrs. Gena would open a home- school tutoring facility because he knew how passionate she was about educating and mentoring children. He was also a mentor, role model, coach and friend to many local children.
Through his vision, Mrs. Gena created a safe space for students to thrive and learn at their own pace.
In Memory of: Quentin Dion Thomas​

Click here to see our news article:

State Requirements
Elementary & Middle school students must register with the state each year. We will register your child with the Louisiana Department of Education online. These students will be registered as home- study students. QHS Learning Academy is a registered non-public school. We are officially BESE Approved.
High school students will need to register as home study students to preserve their eligibility for TOPS. We will help you register with the Louisiana State Department of Education online. Students must be enrolled in the home study program for their junior and senior years to qualify for TOPS. Please review the HSLDA Louisiana Summary for ACT score requirements for the various awards. Please review the state Department of Education website for more information on this program. Home School Legal Defense is a good source for up-to-date information.